Home owners insurance is a luxury not everyone can afford. Rebuilding Together Chattanooga (RTC) is a neighbors-helping-neighbors initiative to provide safety and health related home repairs and modifications to needy home owners in the Chattanooga area.  Most do not have insurance. Literally all other home-repair programs in Chattanooga require homeowners' insurance by the homeowner.

Most directly, RTC programming benefits low-income, disabled, elderly, veterans, single-parents, and the uninsured. In addition to making needed repairs, projects help households age in place with dignity, reduce their energy bills, improve their quality of life and sense of community, and address safety issues.  Home and community environments have a major impact on health and well-being. At a time when the income inequality gap continues to grow and the costs of homeownership continues to rise, too many of our neighbors suffer from the health and economic consequences of living in substandard housing and unsafe communities. Our $3,000 grant will support a major repair project for National Rebuilding Day, scheduled for April 25, 2020.

