trustee sChOLARSHips are sometimes AVAILABLE.

Think 2-3 hours each month of your time invested into our grassroots community grant-making engine minus the financial commitment. Someone else has that covered. You bring your dedicated self to each monthly meeting after reading all the grant applications.

what do we expect?

  • Be present for all monthly trustee meetings for one year. We meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 6pm. We meet in person with the option to join virtually if you’re traveling or unable to be there in the flesh. Adult beverages are usually on hand. Except for Dry January.

  • Learn about what we do and support us as we work to improve our ability to connect to your represented community. Be engaged. Be vocal. Teach us.

  • Talk about us to those in your community. Encourage others to apply by identifying potential applicants and advising them on how to win a grant.

You could be the face of philanthropy and directly contribute to making Chattanooga more awesome. are you in?