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Emotionally Resilient Educators | CSLA


Emotionally Resilient Educators | CSLA

Cindy Gaston is a teacher at Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts (CSLA). She just happens to have been a favorite teacher for one of our founders and board members, Teal Thibaud. So you know Cindy is seasoned and well loved. We all know the pandemic has created challenges. For teachers, the pandemic has meant learning a new way to do almost every part of their jobs. Cindy Gaston wanted to do something to help teachers cope with their new normal. What? Year long programming for educators at CSLA through 55 copies of Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators along with supplies for monthly activities. And teachers are pumped!

Emotionally resilient teachers are better able to serve our students in Hamilton County. This $1,800 project will initially invest in 55 educators, but over the course of the next few years, the faculty will serve approximately 1,000 students per year. As Chattanooga’s newest high school is established, this project will help ensure that it has a solid culture that values emotional resiliency. After all “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. -John Cotton Dana”


El Pueblo Fund | CALEB + Tennessee United

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El Pueblo Fund | CALEB + Tennessee United

If you haven’t yet learned who CALEB is, let us blow your mind. CALEB is an institutional coalition of faith-based, labor, and community groups working to build power to affect change right here in Chattanooga, TN. They do that through a number of ways outlined on their website including, a Community Bail Fund, a network of volunteers to attend Eviction Court and document those who might need assistance, an Immigration Bond Fund, and through a partnership with Tennessee United, the new El Pueblo Fund.

The Latinx community is 5.9% of the population of Hamilton County, but by June 24th represented 61% of COVID cases and 34% of COVID-related deaths.  With rising numbers of infection, El Pueblo Fund offers necessary support to help the Latinx community directly with monetary support.

Disbursement of funds is happening immediately. The fund will allow families to shelter in place at home or a hotel (depending how many people are covid19 positive per household). Knowing their bills and basic needs will be covered, will allow them to quarantine safely. The fund will cover rent and bills, basic needs such as diapers, formula, medicine and personal hygiene products. Having that peace of mind during quarantine is also needed for sound mental health. We all need that.

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COVID Curbside Connection | AIM Center


COVID Curbside Connection | AIM Center

Art supplies + groceries for the win. AIM Center is a psychosocial rehabilitation, utilizing the Clubhouse Model, to offer employment, education, housing, socialization, and wellness opportunities for adults living with serious mental illness. They help adults in the Chattanooga community lead fulfilling and productive lives while successfully managing their mental health through engaging in meaningful work and relationships in the Clubhouse community.

Due to COVID-19 and the closure of the AIM Center since 3/17/20, members have continued to be engaged by staff through tele-health services, however, the majority of members are without internet access and operating without a personal cell phone. This leaves them isolated.

Curbside Connection is the solution program manager, Lucy White, had in mind. With our $3,000, a few key things will happen. Art supplies will be distributed to AIM Center member artists, gotta keep the creative juiced flowing to manage stress. Daily “Curbside Coffee and Connection” in AIM’s parking lot as well as six different group homes in which AIM Center Members reside. Weekly wellness walks with healthy snacks provided and weekly social distancing grill-outs at AIM Center’s four Housing Properties.

Budget breakdown is $2,500 for groceries, $300 for gas and $200 for art supplies. The 205 Chattanooga residents living with severe and persistent mental illness will greatly benefit from this outreach.


COVID Gas Card Relief | Metropolitan Ministries


COVID Gas Card Relief | Metropolitan Ministries

At first glance, gas cards to get to and from work may seem questionable in terms of essential need. But if you live in your car and need it to access services or to transport you to work so you can save for an actual residence, it’s imperative. MetMin (Metropolitan Ministries) will take $5,000 from our March grant to buy gas cards.

Not familiar with them? MetMin is a 40 year old nonprofit missioned to prevent homelessness and help those recovery from homelessness by providing emergency financial assistance to mitigate the crises they face. They negotiate with clients' landlords and utility providers to make full or partial payments in their behalf. They are also a 1st responder in disasters, and are in full crisis respond mode now. To support our most vulnerable Chattanoogans, payments for car insurance, gasoline, car payments, custody payments, etc. are needed to prevent them from becoming homeless.
